I love this time of year, whilst we all can’t resist the first flutters of snow, the new signs of life in the spring or the joy of the heat in the summer, Autumn is wonderful with the changing colours which we know represents the garden dying back, but can’t help marvelling in the majesty of it all. I get particular satisfaction out of cutting back, lighting a bonfire and then covering the beds in layers of compost. (I might have a bit of help with all of this!!) My thoughts are also turning to next year and our open weekends. We are opening as usual for snowdrops in 15/16th February and May 16/17th – (see our events page for more details) and this is always a great opportunity to share our gardens which for the rest of the year are private. If you do want to visit outside of these times we are always happy to welcome groups of 20 or more to the grounds and can adapt a visit to your requirements.
Snowdrops in the woodland walk, not really an autumn picture, but I couldn’t resist the herald of spring.